March 20, 2012

Berlin Capital of GDR

Here is a book I found last week end "Berlin Haupstadt der DDR" (Berlin Capital of GDR). It was printed in the 70's in GDR. I'm so happy to have found it, all the more as it shows the former "Palast der Republik" (Palace of the Republic) from outside and inside. It was destroyed just before we moved to Berlin and we never had a chance to visit it..
Have a great week!

March 18, 2012

Week End Findings

Here are the findings I made this week end, I'm thrilled!
A miniature piano, a wooden figurine, a Winterling sugar bowl, an egg timer from the GDR, wire eggcups, hangers, a jewelry box with drawers, a GDR vase and cups, a dish from Finnland...

March 15, 2012

Berlin's Calling

Our phone at home here in Berlin (with a fat lava Strehla Vase and a tiny danish vintage handmade pottery, these two I really couldn't sell... also a pastel pink tablecloth with handmade white lace)

The one we had when living in Paris

A "Oh sooo Berlin" phone on sale in our shop

A funny one on the fleemarket

 And some very nice phones found around the web

March 12, 2012

Week End Findings

This week end I found some "Oh sooo Berlin" kind of stuff :)
Lovely encounters.
Have a wonderfull week!

March 10, 2012

So long Moebius ! :'I

First of all we would like to have a thought for Japan, The earthquake took place one year ago today.

Today Moebius passed away...
His real name was actually Jean Giraud and he was an amazing artist. He wasn't just a comic book painter, he was a real genius. He had his own very personal style and inspired so many film makers and artists of all kinds. And he actually worked on films like Alien, Tron or The Abyss. Here are a few samples of his work:
We especially recommend "L'incal" a serie of 6 books, and "Le Monde d'Edena", 5 books. But there would be so much of his work to recommend, if not everything he did.
He was also very famous for his more traditional work Blueberry that he used to sign with his real name, Jean Giraud.
Funny story, Moebius was a big fan of Miyazaki who was a big fan of ... Moebius :)

March 6, 2012

Week End Findings

Last week end was quite an extraordinary treasury hunting! Look what I found:
 A lovely collection of Strehla vases...
 ... candle holders, mixing amazingly wood and metal...
... and some cute housewares.
I have to say I'm having the hardest time ever to decide what I want to keep for our home!
Have a very nice day,

March 5, 2012

Featured on Etsy Spot

We have the pleasure to be interviewed on Etsy Spot, a blog that makes a daily selection of Etsy items. Don't want to brag but amazing findings are spotted there :)
Have a great day!

March 1, 2012

New home

This very cool vintage clock we sold a while ago found it's new home in Oslo, Norway. Notice, by the way, the amazing wallpaper in the kitchen !
Here owner is a very nice vintage fanatic, and you should all go check her blog ETSY SPOT ... about vintage !
Cheers !